Halloween Costume vs Cosplay

We’ve all seen the meme going around the internet where the cosplayer says that they have nothing to wear on Halloween, while standing next to a rack of costumes. We all get a good laugh, but is there a difference between Halloween costume and cosplay?

Halloween costumes vary far and wide. Some are bought, some are made. Some are revealing, and some our modest. With such a wide array of costumes, it might be easy to see cosplays as Halloween costumes as well. I’ve used cosplays as Halloween costumes before, but that doesn’t mean I want to use all of my costumes for Halloween. There are some things you’ll want to factor in before using your cosplay for Halloween.


The biggest thing to use as a determinate is the location of the gathering you are wearing the cosplay. First, is it allowed? Some places won’t allow for masks, body paint, and/or weapons. If important pieces are not allowed, don’t wear your cosplay. Is the location going to ruin your cosplay? If it’s outside, or in a dirty place, pass on the cosplay. It might be a lot of work to restore it to con-ready.

The second biggest factor in determining if you should wear a cosplay is the people attending the event. If you know your friends or other attendees are prone to spilling drinks, or dropping food, it’s not worth it to risk your cosplay. It’s not worth it to destroy your costume for one night, so if you can’t trust people to leave your costume alone, don’t wear it.

Also consider if people will get it. If your cosplay has made it this far past the check list, and it is easily recognizable (like Harley Quinn or Captain America), bring it. If it’s something most people wouldn’t know, and you don’t feel like reexplaining your cosplay, pick something else.

The last thing to factor in is how much this cosplay means to you. If it’s something you love and cherish, then it’s best to keep this one hoe safe. However, if it’s a casual cosplay, or something you are about to retire, giving it one more wear shouldn’t hurt it. Overall, Halloween is meant to be fun. Make sure that what you’re wearing is okay to be ruined and comfortable and enjoy your night.

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